Shipping Information
Order ₹500 or more to qualify for FREE Shipping on over all items.
For Cash on Delivery (COD) method customer will be charged additional Rs.50/- as COD charges.
We promise to provide you with best-in-class shopping experience at every step of the way. We assure you that all due precautions are taken so that your package reaches you intact. An estimated delivery time period is displayed on the order summary page. On placing your order, you will receive an email/confirmation call containing a summary of the order and also the estimated delivery time to your location.
Sometimes, delivery may take longer due to bad weather, flight delays, political disruptions and other unforeseen circumstances. In such cases, we will proactively reach out to you. Please check your emails and SMS regularly for such updates.
The delivery time period varies from product to product due to stock availability at your order dispatch center. We are not responsible for unsatisfactory or delayed performance of services or damages or delays as a result of products which are out of stock, unavailable or back ordered.