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Causes and Treatment of Colic Pain
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Causes and Treatment of Colic Pain

When you have a newborn bundle of joy, no parent would be ready for constant crying bouts from the infant. However, for various reasons, even healthy, well-fed infants can be colicky.
What is it: Although a mystery, a baby is said to be colicky if it cries for more than 3 hours a day for more than 3 days a week for more than 3 weeks at a stretch. The baby is completely healthy, and the symptoms start about 2 to 3 weeks of life in both breast-fed and bottle-fed babies. The baby usually has a red face from crying and could be pulling its legs towards its chest due to the abdominal discomfort.
Causes: Though still not exactly established, some things that are believed to cause colic include:
The baby's digestive system that is growing and goes through spasms
Extreme sensitivity to noise and light in the surrounding environment
Accumulation of gas in the belly that is ingested with the milk (breast or bottles)
Hormones that are supposedly affecting the baby's moods